Ground a.k.a Gr◯un土
(Chill Mountain/Voodoohop/ESPinstitute)
Ground uses Osaka as a base to process the sounds he has encountered around the world, reconfiguring them and forging new creations for the dance floor. His style knows no borders - the wide range of textures and soundscapes he synthesizes in both his productions and sets invoke visions of other-worldly ecosystems pulsing with primal, rhythmic and deeply captivating energies. Being immersed in these sounds can often feel like a transcendence of the human-alien divide.
Ground started Djing as a teenager and played all over Japan, with Osaka's underground music scene as his foundation. He is one of the founders of the Chill Mountain collective, which used to throw regular parties in mountain side south of osaka before becoming more focused on its eponymous record label, Chill Mountain Recordings, which he runs with sound engineer Kabamix & designer Mt.chills. He has performed at various festivals and events in more than 21 countries, including the United States, Canada, Chile, Brazil, Germany, Ecuador, Croatia, Israel, Cyprus and Switzerland.
His personal output has also been prolific - in addition to a rich and complex catalogue of EPs, singles and collaborations, he has also released six albums & , including the 2018 world debut album "SUNIZM" on the LA-based label ESP Institute.
Released works

1.界人現る- Kazin Arawaru 06:06 2.揺り綿羽- Yurimenba 06:50 3.シュプレー川に電話 Feat. ET FY -Call Spree River 06:10 4.二本の煙突と庭 -Two chimneys and a garden 05:45 5.朝5時の鏡 - 5 a.m. mirror 05:21 2022年夏ベルリンVoodoohop Studioにて着想制作 Conceived and produced at Voodoohop Studio, Berlin, summer 2022 credits released November 17, 2022 Produced By Ground ( linktr.ee/Ground_jp ) Special Featuring Track3. ET FY (on.soundcloud.com/n8T1hxDFWKzZXxqB7) Mastered By Kabamix ( soundcloud.com/kabamix )

4 tracks ep by Ground released August 18, 2022 Produced By Ground ( linktr.ee/Ground_jp ) Mastered By Kabamix ( soundcloud.com/kabamix ) Artwork By Pollinations (pollinations.ai ) Mt.chills ( www.instagram.com/mtchills/ )

Ground, from spring to autumn of 2021, crossed the Kimi Pass from Okukawachi, Osaka to the south, and stayed and created this album in Koyasan, Wakayama, inspired by a local folklore story. Ground、2021年春から秋にかけ、大阪奥河内より紀見峠を越え南下、和歌山、高野山にて地域の伝承より着想、滞在、制作されたAlbum。 Niu / Ground (CMR - 44) 1.Meigetsu 04:29 2.Field sketches in Kouya 07:17 3.Ano Hagoromo 06:56 4.Ze 04:50 5.Cotton wool flight 07:05 6.DaranisK 06:59 7.Seigosyo Feat.Junia 06:12 8.Akete Kinpusen 04:39 9.Tsukumo 07:35 10.Niu 06

Hello! We are happy to be able to send out information about the first release of 2022. This will be a 12inch vinyl single cut of three songs from the Album ( Ground / Ozunu ) released last year. All three songs have been newly mixed and mastered for vinyl, and are 2022 versions. Please add them to your record shelf. Your copy can be reserved at the following stores 🙂 明けましておめでとうございます。 2022年ChillMountainRecリリースInfoになります 昨年発売されたAlbum(Ground/Ozunu)からの12inchi single cutが3月下旬リリース 3曲ともヴァイナル用に新たにミックス、

Vocal, lyrics, composition, production by Seyu (soundcloud.com/seyumusic) Produced & Mixed By Ground ( soundcloud.com/dj-ground ) Mastered By Kabamix ( soundcloud.com/kabamix ) Artwork By Mt.chills ( www.instagram.com/mtchills/ ) credits released December 9, 2021

Produced in the summer of 2020 in a harikuyamaku's studio in Okinawa. acoustic bass & vocal & lyrics Ryo Kiriakehata (tengokubatake.themedia.jp) Syjth Bass & Sanshin & Rhythm By Harikuyamaku (soundcloud.com/58makoto) Synthesizers By Mamazu (soundcloud.com/mamazu) Chorus By Mizuki & Yoshiko family's Produced By Ground ( linktr.ee/Ground_jp ) Mastered By Kabamix ( soundcloud.com/kabamix ) Artwork By Mt.chills ( www.instagram.com/mtchills/ ) lyrics Opekepe (English) It seems to melt,

Full-length album (Ozunu) by Ground .This album was inspired by the various folklore stories of his hometown, Soutn Osaka. The album contains his unique dance music. Mixed & Produced By Ground ( soundcloud.com/dj-ground ) Mastered By Kabamix ( soundcloud.com/kabamix ) Design By Reza Hasni (www.instagram.com/reza.hasni/ ) Special Featuring Guest Track 11 Juan Diego Illescas (Guitar/synthesizer) www.facebook.com/jdiegoillescas/ Track 12 Kaloan (Voice) soundcloud.com/kaloan

Download: www.beatport.com/release/tones/3363278 We are thrilled to present our brand new EP on Drumtek Records, titled 'Tones' by Coma Soul. The Moscow-based electronic duo display in their brand new release, two cinematic original tracks: Cold Tones and Warm tones, which are accompanied by three diverse and fascinating remixes. The opening track of the EP is 'Cold Tones', a deep melancholic tale with a foggy atmosphere, fragments of deep muffled voices, and dramatic synth and guitar riffs that

artist : ALTZ.p , Peter Power , Ground title : “Principia” label : grunge house records cat# : GHR-000 release date : 2021. April country : Japan genre : Jazz, Downbeat , Ambient , Techno, House format : 12" Vinyl EP / full colored jacket / Limited 300 units Mastered by Kabamix Groundは現在日本を代表するダンス・ミュージック界のトラック・メイカーでありDJである。彼の音楽の特徴は心地良いビートとほどよいトライバル感であるが、今回は日本の神話をモチーフにPolyrhythmic Dub Techno ”Nigihayahi" を制作。 Ground is one of Japan's leading track makers and DJs in the dance music world

Vocal & lyrics & Composition & melody by Seyu (soundcloud.com/seyumusic) Track& Produced & Mixed By Ground ( soundcloud.com/dj-ground ) Mastered By Kabamix ( soundcloud.com/kabamix ) Artwork By Mt.chills ( www.instagram.com/mtchills/ ) credits released March 5, 2021

JIN 03 EP presents a 4 track EP from Osaka’s Ground. True to his unique soul that’s reminiscent of a nomad, traversing the planet, befriending kindred spirits found in humans and various environments, this EP presents 4 pieces of unique grooves that ranges from the more euphoric vibe to both daytime & night time of a winter season surrounding a temple. On A side “Osakacid” comes in two versions : A1 original version is a slow motion acidic tripper under the winter street of Osaka city lights. L

Vocal & lyrics & Composition & melody by Seyu (soundcloud.com/seyumusic) Track& Produced & Mixed By Ground ( soundcloud.com/dj-ground ) Mastered By Kabamix ( soundcloud.com/kabamix ) Artwork By Mt.chills ( www.instagram.com/mtchills/ )

Writen, Produced & Mixed By The Dude Of Stratosphear (@djthedude) Remix by Ground (@dj-ground) Mastered By Kabamix (@kabamix) Artwork By Jerom El Duderino (facebook.com/thedudeofstratosphear/)
![A-Tweed - Zebra Xing [Quagga's Revenge] (Ground Remix)](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/4030c1_a21ff09c9639437fb89bdb55c608366c~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_980,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/4030c1_a21ff09c9639437fb89bdb55c608366c~mv2.jpg)

Summer 2020. Sound letter from Ground 2020年夏、Groundからの音手紙 Ground / ATARAYO Track List 1. Yuryaku 2. Murasaki no kemuri 3. Atarayo 4. TwinBee Feat.SMS 5. Dizko! Feat.SMS 6. Nizyozan Mixed & Produced By Ground ( soundcloud.com/dj-ground ) Featuring Track.4&5 SMS (soundcloud.com/dj-sms-from-afrotwinz) Mastered By Kabamix ( soundcloud.com/kabamix ) Artwork By Mt.chills ( www.instagram.com/mtchills/) credits released September 3, 2020

Ground's minimalistic version of Baskéda jumps into a hypnotic acidic vibe full of surprises and intense for the dance floor peak.
![MiddlePoint ー Dawn Chorus [Ground Remix]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/4030c1_793b4b161394440988e496e15d7e71c1~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_700,h_700,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/4030c1_793b4b161394440988e496e15d7e71c1~mv2.jpg)
interspeciesrecords.bandcamp.com/track/mi…iI3-zuPU Remix By Ground (djgroundjapan.wixsite.com/ground13) Featuring Guitar By CazU-23 (www.instagram.com/cazu23/) OriginalTrack by MiddlePoint (interspeciesrecords.bandcamp.com/track/dawn-chorus) Mastered by Studio OMEGA (www.instagram.com/omega9669/) Artwork by Embodiment YAS (www.instagram.com/embodimentyas/)

Mid-May 2019, a collaborative song by Thai producer Dott and Ground Produced in DOTT's home studio near Bangkok, Thailand. Ground 2019年5月、タイでのGig&滞在の際にタイ人Producer DOTTのバンコック近郊のホームスタジオにて共同制作。 Produced by DOTT (soundcloud.com/dott_th ) + Ground ( soundcloud.com/dj-ground ) Mastered By Kabamix ( soundcloud.com/kabamix ) Artwork By Mt.chills ( www.instagram.com/mtchills/)

2020. Early January , Ground Visted&Gig in Hamamatsu City. He Colaborated with Hamamatsu Local Producer's DJ RYOTA & Noritaka Itoh. Rhodes&Synth by DJ RYOTA (soundcloud.com/user-852266601) Synth by Noritaka Itoh (soundcloud.com/noriitaka-itoh) Produced by Ground ( soundcloud.com/dj-ground ) Mastered By Kabamix ( soundcloud.com/kabamix ) Artwork By Mt.chills ( www.instagram.com/mtchills/) credits released June 18, 2020

Collaborate with Japanease Singer Songwriter 児玉 奈央 (Nao Kodama) Song Name is Fu-Do. Fu-Do mean is the spiritual features represented by lands, nature, songs and culture in general proper to a specific region or country and the people who are living there. Vocal & lyrics & Composition & Guitar by Nao Kodama (www.naoecho.com) Bass by wataru iga Vocal recording by Naoyuki Uchida Produced by Ground (djgroundjapan.wixsite.com/ground13) Mastered

Early spring 2020. Sound letter from Ground 2020年初春、Groundからの音手紙 Ground / Maza! Track List 1. Don Pamin ! 2. Yaoyorozoo 3. Maza ! 4. MichiKusa no Hachi 5 .Onsen Gensen Sukiyanen Mixed & Produced By Ground ( @dj-ground ) Mastered By Kabamix ( @kabamix ) Artwork By hoop (www.instagram.com/hooop/) amnesiac (www.facebook.com/hikarimono.amnesiac) Mt.chills ( www.instagram.com/mtchills/) releases May 1, 2020

Gr◯un土 a.k.a Ground 7年振り待望のMIXCD エナジー溢れる音宝、カラフルに輝く宝石の様な 楽曲達をふんだんにMIXした 『Energemizmix』が今春リリース。 ジャケットアートワークはChillMountainを始め、 VOODOOHOP・Festival Nómade・ Tropical twista RecordsなどのArtworkも手がける Mt.chillsを起用。 リバーシブルジャケット&mini ポスター特典付!! =comment= 自身のレーベルChill Mountain Recからの楽曲やLAの ESP instutiteからのリリースも引き下げ、世界へ羽ば たきワールドワイドに活躍しているGr◯un土 a.k.a Ground。 訪れた国は20カ国を超えるという。 そんな地球人、Gr◯un土の最新のMIXは、様々な国を ツアーする中で出会った曲や、各国のアーティストとの セッションで仕上がった曲、自作のedit曲も含めた オリジナリティ溢れる内容となっています。 様々な国の持つ民族の厚み、精神性、力強さ、 あたたかみや安心感といった

All proceeds from this album will be donated to Kyoto Club Metro which is struggling due to the impact of Covid-19. このアルバムの収益はCovid-19の影響で財政難に陥っている京都のClub Metroに全額寄付されます。 A beautiful sakura season in April 1990, 30 years ago from now, Club Metro Kyoto opened inside Marutamachi station when the Keihan train line was extended to Demachiyanagi. From its opening, not only Club Metro has been a venue for famous artists and music, but also has been discovering interesting art expressions and exce

Produced in their's hometown Osaka in mid-March. Co-authored by Ground and synthesizer MAYUKo who works for CROSSBRED / SYNTH SISTERS. 三月中旬、彼らのホームタウン大阪にて制作。 CROSSBRED/SYNTH SISTERS で活動するシンセサイザー奏者MAYUKoとGroundによる共作ダンストラック。 Synthesizer by MAYUKo ( CROSSBRED/SYNTH SISTERS ) www.instagram.com/mayukocb Produced by Ground ( soundcloud.com/dj-ground ) Mastered By Kabamix ( LMD SoundDesign ) Artwork By Mt.Chills (chillmountain.stores.jp ) -MAYUKo- Bio CROSSBRED formed in 2003, SYNTH

1. WAKUSEI A 2. WAKUSEI Y (ft SINKICHI & KABAMIX) 3. HAYABUSA When the world slipped into madness last month, the ESP Institute put most releases on the back-burner to await brighter days, but then we thought again; why not approach these odd circumstances the way we do most realities, positively and head-on? We’re committed to a community that builds new worlds — this is fundamental to our creative and spiritual relationship with Osaka-born, cosmos-straggling artist, Ground — and whi

Akoh-Kuro (Twilight, when it was getting dark in the evening. At this time, it is said that the mazimun mazimun (monster) often appears, and it is said that when a small child walks outside, Mabui (soul) is taken away. Okinawan traditional dialect. Mizuki Manipulating the traditional Okinawan dialect Uchina-guchi The Sanshin and the synth by Harikuyamaku combine with the suspiciously floating crystal bowl by Yuko Nakai to create a suspicious atmosphere, Made in Okinawa, Japan. with Osaka Nat
![[ESP063B] Follow Me](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/4030c1_cef1b063f1034aea888272973cd0672f~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_700,h_700,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/4030c1_cef1b063f1034aea888272973cd0672f~mv2.jpg)
Ground is an Osaka native, but his soul is truly that of a nomad, traversing the planet, befriending kindred spirits found in humans, animals and plants. He is exceptionally receptive to the beauty in everything that surrounds him—the incidental music of a city street, the orchestral chaos of a scrambling radio, the syncopated grace of migrating birds, the simplicity of an isolated hand clap—and as his roadmap continuously unfolds, he accumulates a vast catalogue of visceral tools to musically r



by Ape Chimba,Ground,Josefinagandara,Juan Diego lllescas,Julio Vincencio,Shamanic Catharsis,

Late autumn 2019 .An electronic record of 7 minutes and 11 seconds byakira arasawa & Ground produced at Tokyo

This album is under CREATIVE COMMONS LICENCE (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). For using it, please name our project (World BEAThoven Project) and our website (www.taxi-mundjal.com/beathoven.html).

Nicola Cruz 「 Siku Reworks」 2019年11月22日

They created this song at the Berlin studio in the spring of 2019. THOMASHとGROUNDの二つの才能が融合し、ベルリンにて製作された今作は古の時代から変わることなく人々がダンスに求める根源的な衝動に忠実に向き合っている。 太古から未来へ、時空を超えてフロアを揺らす。 空や水や太陽や月、そして大地の鼓動を感じられる傑作。 credits released June 27, 2019 Produced by Thomash ( soundcloud.com/thomash_voodoohop ) Ground ( soundcloud.com/dj-ground ) Masterd By Kabamix ( soundcloud.com/kabamix ) Design By Mt.Chills ( www.instagram.com/mtchills ( chillmountain.shopinfo.jp ) “Samples from the Tonal Unity library

Produced By Ground a.k.a.Gr○un土 Featuring Artist Track1 elliof touchy( soundcloud.com/ellioftouchy Gats ( soundcloud.com/g-a-t-s Luana Schwengber ( soundcloud.com/luanaschwengber Patyfsi Track3 O.R ( soundcloud.com/ohnoryuji ◯maru ( soundcloud.com/marum Track4 Allan Dransfield Mastered By Kabamix(LMD) Artwork by Ventral Is Golden (www.instagram.com/ventralisgolden (www.ventralisgolden.eu & Dima Rabik (instagram.com/dimarabik (ethicollective.pt/en/product-category/art/con

Umeko Ando’s “Ihunke” hits right in the heart. This summer, we received enthusiastic responses to the “Ihunke” vinyl re-issue from all over the planet. We invited a group of great international producers to remix the repetitive, mantric vibes of Umeko Ando’s Ainu folklore songs. The folktronica wizard Nicolá Cruz (Multi Culti, Ecuador) replaces Umeko’s voice with a traditional flute from the Andes and infuses "Battaki" with driving, percussive spirits. Gama (Voodoohop, Brazil) and RLHBSLCN (Y

Caminho a Sintropia Emerging from mountains of fragments the little gathering of the scatterlings, a long and winding road, on the way to Syntropy travelling through a myriad of possibilities dispersed matter accumulates into stars towards an ever unveiling sonic system

Ground is an Osaka native, but his soul is truly that of a nomad, traversing the planet, befriending kindred spirits found in humans, animals and plants. He is exceptionally receptive to the beauty in everything that surrounds him — the incidental music of a city street, the orchestral chaos of a scrambling radio, the syncopated grace of migrating birds, the simplicity of an isolated hand clap — and as his roadmap continuously unfolds, he accumulates a vast catalogue of visceral tools to musical

Ground is an Osaka native, but his soul is truly that of a nomad, traversing the planet, befriending kindred spirits found in humans, animals and plants. He is exceptionally receptive to the beauty in everything that surrounds him — the incidental music of a city street, the orchestral chaos of a scrambling radio, the syncopated grace of migrating birds, the simplicity of an isolated hand clap — and as his roadmap continuously unfolds, he accumulates a vast catalogue of visceral tools to musical

A music colony that appeared in Quito, Ecuador in February and March 2019 Juan Diego Illescas (Piano/organ/synthesizer) Shamanic Catharsis (Percussion/drums/flute) Ground(Computer) Special Featuring Artists Ape Chimba (Acoustic Guitars/Bass/Vocal) ( Track1 ) Nicola Cruz (Modular synthesizer) (Track2) El Sembrao (Vocal/Clap) (Track3) Mastered By Kabamix Produced By Ground ArtWork By Mt.chills

The inaugural release on Tonal Unity is a modern take on Korean traditional sounds, presented here as the first in a series of 3 EPs. The raw and ancient sounds of Korea are interpreted by a cross-cultural selection of artists, each seeing them through their own cosmic prisms. Sit back, relax, and put a fresh cone in your incense burner for a trip to the hills in the land of morning calm. El Búho is a founder of the Shika Shika collective, a leading label in organic downbeat. He has released o

HANAUMUI 1) Please don’t overthink and cry, you will receive a letter from flowers when the season comes around 2) People think about flowers and in return the flowers think of people, we nourish the feeling of love while pondering about the life of flowers. 3) Butterflies flying down to the many flowers, gathering together and playing for the fertility of the flowers 4) The season for gods light shines for all, wind and water make the flower bloom 花想い 1) 思い悩やでぃ 泣ちん 涙や溜みるなよ 節来りば咲ち

n 2017, Bartellow deviated from ESP Institute’s celebrated Tambien, the Bavarian trio (alongside Public Possession’s Marvin and Valentino) whose two prior releases had stormed castles across the land, and graced us with his debut 2xLP 'Panokorama'. He set a high bar for discerning listeners, painting grand gestures from a refined palette and bending unconventional audio sources into a rich textural melange. Now, two years later, a motley crew of producers reimagines two of Bartellow’s captivatin

April 2017, Osaka, Sakura, the beautiful time of the cherry blossom. We quickly get a warm coffee from the drinks vendor down the street, then off to Kabamix' LMD studio downtown. Time is short, the off-days are counted on tour. As the year before at the SVS label camp in Budapest, we stick to the plan: one track a day. This time we have guests! MAYUKo, Arihirua and Ryoko epitomize the perfect antipodes to the lonesome samurai on his white horse (Shiroi Uma) we had in mind on our first EP (SVS0

世界各国津々浦々、GIGとSessionをひたすら繰り返す"GROUND"によるExperimentalでFuturisticな2トラック。 Ryota(Interspecies)の弾いたベース&トランペット、Emile a.k.a MDM Colombiaの神々しさすら漂うボーカルをFUTURしたオリエンタルなスローハウス"Flow" 粒子の細かい電子音の渦に包み込まれ、冒頭から一気に飛ばされる牧歌的なスローハウス"San Francisco" 2019年3月1日リリース soundcloud.com/dj-ground/flow-featemileinterspicies soundcloud.com/dj-ground/sanfrancisco TRACK LIST 1. Kikimoment feat Emile&Interspicies - Flow 2. GROUND - San Francisco Artist : GROUND Title : Flow Label : INTERSPECIES RECORDS Cat No : I


TUMULUS EP Inspiration from group of one hundred and twenty-three kofun or tumulus in Osaka , Japan. Thirty-one of the little&big mountain are keyhole-shaped, thirty round, forty-eight rectangular, and a further fourteen are of indeterminate shape. In 2017 the music of tumulus, along with inspiration of Gr◯un土, were proposed for inscription on the Music World credits releases September 1, 2017 Track List 1.Phewave 2.Mizu On Mizu 3.Tumulus 4.Coelacanth Dance 5.Zooooooッ Artwork By Dim

ARTIST : V.A. TITLE : WHOLE LAND CAT # : HOLECD-004 RELEASE : 2017/2/22 TRACKLIST : 1.ALTZ - Evi race 2.KUJITAKUYA - Feeling of a bird 3.Gr◯un土 a.k.a DJ GROUND - SLOW PUSH 4.EDO KANPACHI - A hill smoke 5.Kyo Sakurai & FUSHIMING - Space Language Part III 6.YO.AN - FEATURES 7.ifax! - エミュー 8.RIGHTEOUS - One,Two,Free! 9.FUSHMING & Mamazu - Gallopy 10.KO UMEHARA - indiscriminate imitation 11.DELTA THREE - TRINITY 12.STONE’D - Technical Taios 全て新録曲!HOLE AND HOLLANDによるレーベル10周年を記念したコンピレーションCD。 大阪が宇宙

ZOOPERITUAL credits released June 5, 2016 1.Rites Of Springold(bpm105) 2.Dizm (bpm70) 3.Asaya (bpm120) 4.Fuzeze (bpm105) 5.Kukunochi (bpm70) 6.Jrassicode (bpm70) 7.Nazi (bpm78) 8.Mountain Faith (bpm105) 9.Something Sign (bpm110) 10.Slow Ride (bpm90) 11.Wateritual (bpm90) track 3.10.11 (Feat KABAMIX) 6 .11 (synthesizer sound by MAYUKo /CROSSBRED ) All Tracks Produced By GrOun土 All Tracks Mastering By Kabamix (LMD) Artwork By Mt.chills (ChillMountain)

Bokeh Versions presents more outernational sounds from the fringes of dub music. Mizunokuni is a fractured short-wave transmission from a broken transistor. GrOun土 a.k.a Ground and Kabamix are at the dial scanning through radio static, ambient house noodlings, distant chants and healing music across 60 minutes of continuous programming. Filtered through the natural sounds of the Osaka mountains, this is a patchwork nippon re-imagining of the 90s ambient tech movement; drawing on a rich history o

Multi Culti pull off another lunar landing with tracks by Red Axes, Zsou remixed by Dreems, Von Party feat. Naduve and Japan’s DJ Gr◯un土. Prolific maestros Red Axes kick things off with Boosha Gdola, a squelchy bleep-fest straight out the Israeli underground. Next up is another epic remix from Dreems, this time of sonic ex-pat explorer Zsou. Neo-pagan acid fire dance music, that teases a forthcoming Zsou release in support of www.bayoubluefamily.com. Thomas Von Party calls in Naduve to cha


La Cumbia De Octavio es una canción que Tribilin Sound dedicó a su hijo, Octavio David, al cumplir un año. Su idea fue presentar distintas versiones de este trabajo con amigos de diferentes lugares, lo que dio como resultado una bomba sonora para toda la eternidad. En esta ocasión, la utilización de samples con inspiración chicha es el plato fuerte, pequeñas guitarras son sonidos característicos que le dan vida a este track. Aunque no es explicito, en La Cumbia De Octavio hay sampleos de Chacal

Gr◯un土 first full album Now On Sale! https://chillmountain1.bandcamp.com/album/vodunizm

\\\\\\\PUTZ, DEPOIS DE UM TEMPO FINALMENTE SAIU! UMA\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /////////COMPILAÇÃO CasaCaos/// COMPREENSÍVEL A NECESSIDADE DE/// COMPARTILHAR ESSA FRESTA MUSICAL!\\\ 01. Nillo – Dormida 02. DJ Foi Mal – Into The Brejo 03. Luciano Motoki – Bellatrix 04. Baru – Kula Kangri 05. Alle Luara – Miavergana Sitara 06. Gr◯un土 a.k.a DJ GROUND – Corroborizm 07. B1N4 – S3X N4TUR3 08. Mental Carnival – Come Together 09. Tabu – Riturbano 10. Sound.Audio.Music – Be Free 11. Risa – Selvagem (Maco Mal

Frente Bolivarista Vol. 3 – "Braving the New World". Frente Bolivarista releases our third compilation featuring great artists from all around the globe. We gathered a strong group of talented artists to spread to the world the vast range of soudings going on in Latin America right now. credits released 24 July 2015 Thanks to Andres Oddone for mastering tracks from Borchi and RumboTumba

TEXT BY (Tropical Twista Records) English: Tropical Twista Records presents its first compilation: a current view of experimentalism and new musical insights, focused on Latin and Brazilian folklore culture roots, all mixed with electronic avant-garde music. The album consists of 21 songs from 21 artists from different styles and sounds: 20 Brazilian artists, and the special participation of Daichi Furukawa AKA Dj Ground from Ja


Most Excellent Unlimited presents "Ghost Guide," a deep listening session from Osaka's Mori Ra & DJ Ground aka Oyama Edit (御山Δ Edit). Four psyched-out cuts edited from the duo's obscure record collection, and overdubbed in their home studio, range from chilled cosmic disco jams to frantic psychedelic krautrock pieces that make for both a killer listening session, and head-turning tools for the discerning dance floor. Vinyl only edition of 400 ships late March 2015. All tracks recorded and edite

rndmworldmusicradioshow.bandcamp.com/album/…-vo We have been gathering music that represents the connection to our roots, the anscient future of sound, this magical combination between folklore and technology that we know as world beat. This album is a sample of the music inside our souls, a sample of where we believe the music is heading and a respectful tribute to the magicians behind every chord. Thanks to all the amazing artists who supported this compilation. Download the compilation

Release in 2014 Mix by Gr◯un土

Gr◯un土 × Ozaki Koichi / 「drizzle」E.P. 1. Gr◯un土 / AQUBIENT 2. Ozaki Koichi / silhouette screen 3. Gr◯un土 / FROBIENT 4. Ozaki Koichi / hill of that day otonohaCDR-1 / ¥1,000(+tax) All Sounds : Gr◯un土, Ozaki Koichi Photo & Design : Hiroyuki Mori sample is ↓ https://soundcloud.com/ozaki-koichi-a-k-a-t-b/grun-ozaki-koichi-drizzleep

ARTIST : VA TITLE : BLACK SHEEP NTHOLOGY vol.1 LABEL : BLACK SHEEP FORMAT : 12INCH LP 品番 : BSVA-001 価格 : 2500YEN Tracklist A-1 / DELTA THREE “BEACH WHISTLE SONG” A-2 / I DON’T CARE “そしてまだまだ続く” A-3 / SUPER DUMB “アホウドリ” A-4 / JUNXPUNX “TROPIZM” B-1 / 切腹ピストルズ “かわず夕景” B-2 / DJ GR◯UN土 “BLACK MOUNTAIN HOUSE” B-3 / ねたのよい “ねっこ” B-4 / DENPUN “aquarius”

(HUTTE TRY部 VISIONz 2013) に合わせ制作された “DJGr◯un土的解釈音絵巻.” ▽小屋的アンビエントミクス集▽ Gr◯un土らしいユニークさもありつつも、ハンモックに揺らながらや、読書してる一時....そんなリラックスしたい時におススメのMIX.

SUN SIDE&MOON SIDE▲ ◎Sun Side◎ 01.DJgr◯un土/EnjoyYourSelf 02.aSmMedley a.k.a 和泉 希洋志 /IN Mount Meru 03.mo-waii/wonder 04.HutteSoundSystem(absolute time&浮宙&DJgr◯un土)/Hutte Life In Future 05.白檀/Moon dance 06.O.R. /Hammock Beats 07.HutteSoundSystem(absolute time&DJgr◯un土)/Fire Fly 08.御山△EDIT(Mori ra&DJgr◯un土) feat AFROBABES/M◯UNTAIN DISC◯ 09.AKIO NAGASE/MBIRA DUB 10.Toshi Nishiura/Magicisland-Chill Mountain Version#1 →(sample)http://www.mixcloud.com/chillmountain-djground/chill-mountain-classics-c

DJground a.k.a.daichiによる2012年(春夏秋冬4seasonシリーズの 最終章となる)NEWMIX CD-R △今回のMIXも関西産の筒型スピーカーYOSHII9を使用し、 大阪十三本店 ChillMountain Hutteで一発入魂のLIVE小屋録音物! 手直し一切無しのDJgr〇un土入愛作! △ジャケットデザインは前回のに続き若き才能の 大固まり元某女姓バンドのドラマーOSENCHI氏の入愛のスペシャル デザイン! △先行販売限定のCD刻印は只今小屋で大反響を呼んでいる、女性 手創り判子メーカーのAKANE氏によるものを使用! ALL小屋番による手焼き&初回限定スタンプ印!限定100枚! Made In ChillMountainHutte 大阪十三本店! - Comment - groundくんの持っている色んな引きf出しは、 どこを開けても常に気持ちよさを兼ね備えていてとてもいいんですよね〜。 今回のmixもナイス・テンションをキープしていてて、ス〜っと入って来ます。 オーガニック&ダビーなほっこり音泉加減から、ラストのダンスな展開はとても

DJground によるゆとり世代大瞑想音絵巻 MIX CD artist : DJ ground a.k.a 大地 title : yutori △ge mix label : chillmountain rec (JAP)

CHILL MOUNTAIN Meets SOUND OF SILENCE artist: ground/stone temple absolute time/magenta title : Turn On Tune In Chill Out E.P label : SOUND OF SILENCE (JPN) cat : SOC-001 format : 12inch engineer KABAMIX - Comment - 新世代オリエンタル・チルウェーブ NEW。大地とか生命とか、本当に大切なもの。これは、あなたの心情に問いかける一枚。母なる33RPMスクリューでもよかですよ』 ALTZ(flower of life/altzmusica ) 「森の奥から聴こえてくる、ミステックな躍動。パーカッションが響き渡り、ダビーな ベースは大地に引き寄せ、サイケデリックな世界観で展開されていく、壮大な フォレステッド・ブレイクビーツ。 私は大地くんの作品を聴くと、山や森に行きたくなる。」 YA△MA(flower of life /PRHYTHM)

ネイティブ・チャントを挟みレイドバックリーに煽る哀愁ホーンを響かせフィルター越しに広がるA-1”Your Oscar”、空間を意識した印象的なフレージングを四方に飛ばしスピリチュアルに包みこむディープ・トラックA-2”Deep Freese”、フリップ収録の飛バシまくったドープ・トラックB-1”Oyama”は、重度のディスカホリックスであり、目利きのレコード・ディスカバラー、そして映像/音声のレコーディング スタジオにてテープエディットをマスターした最 後の世代(!?)DJ Mori-Ra(電子音パーティー『PURMOOON』主宰)と、大阪・河内長野のキャンプ・イン・パーティー『CHILL MOUNTAIN』を主宰するDJ GROUND の二人によるプロジェクト[御山EDIT]!! B-2にはダビーに広がる辺境ファン/好事家は必聴のCOYOTEによるエディットを用意!!気付けば切れている人気レーベルの5番

artist : DJ ground title : backpack house mix label : chillmountain rec (JAP) format : 1CD Jaket design: morisada kazuki Collage:ground

artist : DJ ground a.k.a daichi title : EMERALD PARKS MIX label : chillmountain rec (JAP) format : 1CD Jaket design: morisada kazuki

V.A 1. a hidden parace - Vinidile / 2. Long - Deraroboscha / 3. Kaisa Hand - Gasher / 4. Orbit - tossy / 5. R△T△T△G - Ground / 6. RADIO VOICE - Or / 7. DE BACKER - Metalob / 8. Popcorn Head - dj burai / 9. indigo dusk - Chronos wood

「Sync」に参加したアーティストの他、新たに発掘されたアーティストVinidile、へそ、chronos woodの3組が参加。バンドが入ったことでポップな要素が加わった、チルアウトをベースにした作品となっている。 Three pairs (artist Vinidile, the heso, and chronos wood newly excavated) besides the artist who participated in “Sync” participate in this album. A pop element joined the content in the band’s having entered. It is a work based on chillout

Feel back Recordsより、レーベル設立と共に初リリースされたコンピレーションアルバム「Sync」。大阪で活躍するアーティスト達によって生み出されたチルアウト・ミュージック集。 大地の響きや流れる水の音など、森を連想させるようなアンビエントからソフトなクリック音が心地いいエレクトロニカまで。様々な質感のサウンドを多数収録。大阪のクラブシーンから生まれたサウンドは地下だけでは留まり続けない。Feelbackサウンドにより触れやすい環境を提供したいと、CLUBよりオープンな遊び場を開拓中。音楽だけでなくアートとの関連も追求する。 Compilation album released from Feel back Records first with label establishment “Sync”.It is [chiruauto] music collection invented by artists active in Osaka. A soft clicking sound : from the ambient to associate the forest l